We’re Gwiddle. Part of the Keeping Digital Foundation.

Gwiddle became part of the Keeping Digital Foundation in 2023, aiming to improve access to digital technology and also support young people in Computer Science education. To allow more students to get involved and try coding, we’re rolling out a network of digital making activities across the country.

A photo of the Gwiddle neon sign in our office
Shape with text "From 7-17"
Speech bubble saying "Learn to code"
Our Green Character holding a laptop with Scratch on it
Shape with text "No coding experience needed'

Formed in 2016 as York Pi Jam and then developing into the Keeping Digital Foundation, we're North Yorkshire's leading digital inclusivity charitable organisation. 

We now run services across the UK, with the aim to empower residents to get online, and to also inspire the next generation through our digital making activities. 

Gwiddle is our new brand for our digital making activities, helping us promote equal opportunities when it comes to STEM and working with educators and volunteers across the country to launch their own Gwiddle Clubs to inspire the next generation.

  • The now defunct Gwiddle Foundation closed the Gwiddle Host service on 1st November 2018.

    The Keeping Digital Foundation have since relaunched Gwiddle however we are now taking a focus on Gwiddle Clubs to bring in-person digital making activities to young people.

    We are constantly reviewing a return of Gwiddle Host and are looking at ways to facilitate this.

  • We officially relaunched the Gwiddle brand on 2nd October 2023 - and have since been running it as part of our 'Digital Making' arm of the Keeping Digital Foundation.

  • The following digital making activities have become part of the new Gwiddle Club network this year! As part of the Keeping Digital Foundation's relaunch of Gwiddle, they are building a new and improved network of digital making activities. 

    York CoderDojo has become Gwiddle Club York 

    Northallerton CoderDojo has become Gwiddle Club Northallerton 

    Harrogate Pi Jam has become Gwiddle Club Harrogate  

    They're still the same great team with the same amazing volunteers, and not much will change with the projects and great experiences young people have at the services. 

    The only real change you will notice is their names. Their names have changed to help make it easier for people to find their local, free digital making activity across North Yorkshire! 

  • Gwiddle is based within the Keeping Digital Foundation, who have two offices in York (Bootham and Monks Cross). However, our services are running across the UK through a network of dedicated volunteers!

  • Gwiddle is a trademark and owned by Keeping Digital CIC, who are known widely as the Keeping Digital Foundation.

  • We know there is a lot of appetite for Gwiddle merch within our community. We're currently only offering merch in occasional runs to Gwiddle Clubs across the UK... however we are actively working on some online exclusives which will be available to order from gwiddle.org.